Health Management and Social Care Online Expo 2022

Healthcare Industries and Innovative Solutions of Health Management and Social Care
In view of the COVID-19 epidemic situation, the Virtual Exhibition on Healthcare Industries will be organised via an online platform this year. The exhibition consists of a Virtual Exhibition and a series of online Workshops.


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Newsletter on Sharing from Outstanding Students (Nov 2021)

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Previous exhibitions (2021)

B : On-line workshops




8 Aug 2022 (Mon)

14:00 – 15:30

Digital Leisure and Health

  • Social Functions of Digital Leisure
  • Sharing and discussion


Dr. Chan Kwok Shing, Prof. Gina Lai, and Dr. Odalia Wong, Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist University

14:00 – 15:30

Developing your Own Health Care Venture

  • Social entrepreneurship and how to develop business ideas that address social challenges in the health care sector
  • Group work: developing feasible and innovative health care venture ideas and creative marketing strategies for their venture ideas

Dr. Connie Li and Dr. Yan Kwan, Department of Marketing, School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University

16:00 – 17:30

Dance and Public Health – Effects on Population Health, Physiological, Psychological, and Neurological Diseases from a Healthy Dance Regime
  • The physiological and psychological health benefits of dance
  • Practice dance as a safe, enjoyable and meaningful physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic


* Ms Tao Dan Emma and Prof. Roger Scully, Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist

* Dr Gao Yang, Gemma, Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University

16:00 – 17:30

How do we achieve Energy Saving and Community Engagements through Smart Low Carbon Innovations?
  • Study and improve Hong Kong households’ energy consumption behaviours through using an innovative mobile App in combination of community engagement
  • Activity – designing a ‘personal energy saving plan’, saving energy collectively in the community


Dr. Darren Cheung and Ms Kiki Cheung, Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University

9 Aug 2022 (Tue)

14:00 – 15:30

Innovation in Nursing Education: Preparing Competent Nurses through Service Learning
  • Part 1: Roles and Responsibilities of Nurses and Other Health Care Team Members – composition and responsibilities of health care team members in acute and community settings; how nurses and other health care team members complement each other in patient care
  • Part 2: Boosting Inner Growth through Integrating Services with Learning – what is service-learning at higher education; how integrating services in learning helps to grow professional and competent nurses


Dr. Sharron Leung and Dr. Alice Wong, Division of Nursing Education, School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University

16:00 – 17:30

Application of Innovative Technology in Dentistry
  • technology advancement in diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases
  • new approaches in dental technology


Dr. LEUNG Chiu-man, Katherine, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong

10 Aug 2022 (Wed)

14:00 – 15:30

How can we change the world with knowledge of Public Health? A great experience from COVID-19

  • A story: From SARS to COVID-19
  • An example: Evidence from Epidemiology
  • Our future: Public Health with Technology


Prof. TSOI Kam Fai Kelvin, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

11 Aug 2022 (Thu)

14:00 – 15:30

i-GESS: Inter-Generational Engagement in Secondary Schools to Enhance Inter-Generational Learning
  • Understanding the trend of ageing population in Hong Kong: similarities and differences between two generation; importance of understanding old generation
  • Understanding the importance and benefits of Intergenerational Connections: students provide support to elders, to address their health or physical limitations; elders, in turn, assist students through experience, emotional support; enhance mutual understanding
  • Introduce the content and operation of i-GESS Project: understand the values and expectation of the project; apply what have learnt in daily life
  • From classroom to real-world: application of intergenerational experiences: effective ways in communicating with older adults; challenges and opportunities in working with older adults


Prof Daniel W.L. Lai, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University

16:00 – 17:30
Innovation in Health and Social Wellbeing
  • Role of health technology in enhancing an active healthy lifestyle: active lifestyle and wellbeing; applications of health technology in enhancing physical activity
  • Programme in Innovation in Health and Social Wellbeing Programme: programme structure; learning outcomes; career prospects

Dr. HUANG Yajun Wendy, Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health Professor Daniel W.L. Lai, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University

*Each school can nominate at most 30 students for each workshop and could enrol in more than one workshop.

*All applications will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. Result will be notified through email by 22 July 2022

*Deadline: 15 July 2022 (Friday)

Application form: